Thursday, September 16, 2010

A teacher trying to ban facebook

First things first, WHY EVEN BOTHER. If u say something is forbidden than natural humans are tempted to do it( as we all know). Facebook, is a means of communicating like talking. You cannot ban  speech, so why try to ban facebook. You really can't, well not effectively anyway. Although  I do agree that online flaming, and cyber bullying are wrong, those kinds of things happen evrywhere. The only difference is that online the messenger is wearing the cloak of anominty. This lets them write whatever they want without fear of someone physically confronting them. Pretty weak huh. So thats why flaming doesnt bother me. Write what you want, your just one fool. I agree with those who believe we can only teach our children how to interact as we teach them how to deal with people physically also. Its hit or miss there too, but then again tis always been when its come down to parenting. Well good luck all you parents. Give my generation some footing to continue where you leave off.

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