When in intense battle royals players find only too often that they have run out of energy and are struggling to maneuver. A solution to this problem is tuning one's NEXT to have very high EN efficiency. In my opinion this is only a viable solution for beginners and begins to lose its advantages in intermediate battles. This is a complete waste of time in higher level battles. When tuning for efficiency you trade off other valuable stats and weapons like energy rifles. That's because being able to quick boost like crazy won't save you from skilled players, and you will still run out and you will still die. The trick to it is quick boosting efficiently. One of my favored combat styles that's extremely effective against close range rushers is my mid range combat style. I use a Lahire frame. I got this notion from seeing Otsdarva, who uses a close range NEXT for mid-range. It's EN efficiency is very good and so are its side booster (Holofernes). Basically I just back peddle,
It seems cheesy but finding a rhythm that will keep you from getting hit and allowing you to dish out the damage is a very good strategy indeed. This style requires some accurate and strong mid-range weaponry. For this I use an EN efficient energy rifle and the 47 AN assualt rifle. I use the En rifle because I've noticed that many NEXTs are weak to energy weapons. Especially lightweight rushers. IN a pitched battle you don't noticed your being culled until your almost dead. It doesn't seem that strong but it can actually dish a very reasonable amount of damage in a relatively short amount of time. The real reason most people don't recognize that they are in trouble is because these are low impact weapons. They don't cause grievious amounts of damage in one or two shots or stun you. they have plenty of ammo, assuming you're somewhat conservative with the En rifle (it only has 80 something shots), and you're using your other weapons.
My next Eva is a very versatile next. Its lightweight frame allows me to hold my own a maneuvering fight and my long range cannon missile allows me some accurate distance fire to cause some good damage. Its not much of a heavy hitter, but for the SAPLA grenade cannon on it left shoulder. This I wip out if my opponent is getting to close or if they're a heavy and slow. It's fast and hits hard. This is also the NEXT that incorporate the En Rifle and Assault Rifle combo. It's very versatile and after building so many designs working off the concepts I've seen from other players, taking the advice to play with what works for me best, and settling down on one of my first Originals, I have found my main NEXT.
But now I sound like hypocrite. Talking about how you should be conservative with En and I just sort of went off on a tangent. My bad. The point I'm trying to make is that you don't need to be able to fly forever. Your much better making your own combat style and if flying forever works for you than so be it, but you don't need to do that. Mine is only partially conservative to facilitate my evasive combat style. Not getting hit is kinda the point with a light weight. So what you need to do is find a rhythm if it's too obvious pros will pick up on it.
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