Thursday, September 30, 2010


Im trying to get my hands on a recording device to make and post videos to go along with my lessons. Once i get the money you will start to see my videos ono this blog.

this one is for a class.

Combat maneuvers

I generally use lightweight frames, and sometimes mid-weights. So i try to find a balance between boost power and boost drain. If you have somewhat low power but high sustainability then you're alright. But what you can't do is start quick boosting like crazy to try to keep up with a rusher or to dodge missiles. Both will get you killed.

 The rusher has his own tempo for out maneuvering you and if he's good he watching out for his energy to keep up the pressure, so in short you're gonna run out and he going to rape you with what ever CQB weapons he's packing.

The dude with missiles is just going to launch again, and you will have little or no energy to dodge- that's if you were dodging missiles instead of running from them. So Don't over do it.

When trying to avoid missiles you first have to identify what missiles your opponent is using. Tactics for evading missiles vary from weapon to weapon. The WHEELING3s are quite possibly the easiest to identify because they are the most commonly used by missiles spammers, and because they shoot a trillion missiles at once at you.
To dodge these you really don't want to outrun them. It is very inefficient and you wont be able to attack back. And I will be straight with you- I tested this out- you actually improve those missiles hit rate if you run than if you stand still. What instead you need to do is get some altitude. Rising upwards at an angle will cause most of the missiles to miss.

another dangerous but much less common missile are the hand missiles. They are not used because they take up the arm weapons slots, but when you see them they hurt. The key to dodging these accurate direct fire missiles are to
A. use flares (easiest way to avoid missiles of any kind)
B. regular boost towards the missile than QB (quick boost) int the opposite direction the missiles are traveling.

The missiles move at a good pace so get your timing right. But once you accomplish this then this player is not longer a threat to you unless he's pulling off the missile-boost swing. Then you may be in trouble. I don't really know how to counter this yet so if you know then let me hear about it in the comment section.

To deal with slow but accurate missiles just outrun them. They have low flight time, but there's no dodging them. To accurate and slow to out maneuver. So run. A common tactic i use so people dont outrun them is to combine these with the MUSSLESHELL supplemental missiles. You need to have the MUSSELSHELL missile on your back as well to use the side ones but just fire Poplar1 missiles while you have the side missiles on, and your enemy will try to dodge them like any other direct fire and they WILL get hit. Nice way to whittle down your enemy.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Energy conservation

When in intense battle royals players find only too often that they have run out of energy and are struggling to maneuver. A solution to this problem is tuning one's NEXT to have very high EN efficiency. In my opinion this is only a viable solution for beginners and begins to lose its advantages in intermediate battles. This is a complete waste of time in higher level battles. When tuning for efficiency you trade off other valuable stats and weapons like energy rifles. That's because being able to quick boost like crazy won't save you from skilled players, and you will still run out and you will still die. The trick to it is quick boosting efficiently. One of my favored combat styles that's extremely effective against close range rushers is my mid range combat style. I use a Lahire frame. I got this notion from seeing Otsdarva, who uses a close range NEXT for mid-range. It's EN efficiency is very good and so are its side booster (Holofernes). Basically I just back peddle,
It seems cheesy but finding a rhythm that will keep you from getting hit and allowing you to dish out the damage is a very good strategy indeed. This style requires some accurate and strong mid-range weaponry. For this I use an EN efficient energy rifle and the 47 AN assualt rifle. I use the En rifle because I've noticed that many NEXTs are weak to energy weapons. Especially lightweight rushers. IN a pitched battle you don't noticed your being culled until your almost dead. It doesn't seem that strong but it can actually dish a very reasonable amount of damage  in a relatively short amount of time. The real reason most people don't recognize that they are in trouble is because these are low impact weapons. They don't cause grievious amounts of damage in one or two shots or stun you. they have plenty of ammo, assuming you're somewhat conservative with the En rifle (it only has 80 something shots), and you're using your other weapons.

My next Eva is a very versatile next. Its lightweight frame allows me to hold my own a maneuvering fight and my long range cannon missile allows me some accurate distance fire to cause some good damage. Its not much of a heavy hitter, but for the SAPLA grenade cannon on it left shoulder. This I wip out if my opponent is getting to close or if they're a heavy and slow. It's fast and hits hard. This is also the NEXT that incorporate the En Rifle and Assault Rifle combo. It's very versatile and after building so many designs working off the concepts I've seen from other players, taking the advice to play with what works for me best, and settling down on one of my first Originals, I have found my main NEXT.

But now I sound like hypocrite. Talking about how you should be conservative with En and I just sort of went off on a tangent. My bad. The point I'm trying to make is that you don't need to be able to fly forever. Your much better making your own combat style and if flying forever works for you than so be it, but you don't need to do that. Mine is only partially conservative to facilitate my evasive combat style. Not getting hit is kinda the point with a light weight. So what you need to do is find a rhythm if it's too obvious pros will pick up on it.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

You have never seen missiles do such things before. I bet you didnt know that they were even capable of such feats

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I do not reccomend the use of a left hand blade. This creates a phenomenom called white lock. The host is unaffected, but other players do not recognize that there is a lock on them. Due to a game flaw the game checks to see if thee is a lock on weapon on the right hand. If there is none it does not know that there is a lock. This causes the host blader to seemingly teleport and warp across the field for a kill. This is the lag u experiance. I want to help get the word out, so blading can at least have a little more respect.

Personal learning network

Welcome to the Armored Core learning blog. I will take request at topics to help make this blog grow for the good of the Armored Core communtiy. I will primarily use this blog since its easy to read and organize. I have a delicious acount if anyone would like me to use that also, it is a possibility. I want to get connected with other Armored Core blogs out there and increase my learning base, which will in turn help others. Im stoked for AC5 and will definetely buy and go pro. As it is im an above average player. The japanese used to kill me, but with the proper application of tactics and str8 up skill, I overcame. And these are the tactics I want to impart onto others. I will be posting a tutorial video from youtube shortly to get started.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

A teacher trying to ban facebook

First things first, WHY EVEN BOTHER. If u say something is forbidden than natural humans are tempted to do it( as we all know). Facebook, is a means of communicating like talking. You cannot ban  speech, so why try to ban facebook. You really can't, well not effectively anyway. Although  I do agree that online flaming, and cyber bullying are wrong, those kinds of things happen evrywhere. The only difference is that online the messenger is wearing the cloak of anominty. This lets them write whatever they want without fear of someone physically confronting them. Pretty weak huh. So thats why flaming doesnt bother me. Write what you want, your just one fool. I agree with those who believe we can only teach our children how to interact as we teach them how to deal with people physically also. Its hit or miss there too, but then again tis always been when its come down to parenting. Well good luck all you parents. Give my generation some footing to continue where you leave off.

This Blog

I like talking about various subjects and  i like hearing about the world, and i luv speaking about contriversial issues(in an educated and respectful way.) If u want me speak on a subject leave a comment and lets start a discussion. Even if its about games or wat i should write about.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Schools finally getting that technology upgrade

Don't exactly know where and how this up in tech at schools is going, but it's getting pretty sick. The world is making remarkable bounds in the field of technology but our schools are essentially as they were 20-30 years ago. Kids need to learn to be savvy with our new world in school. Isn't that what school is for? To prepare children for the world outside their parents' bubbles? Burlington High School are taking the first steps to comply with this goal. The web 2.0 class are helping students become part of  a personalized learning social network (something like that, its a mouthful I know). With this new form of interlinking networks students can take the initiative in their own learning. Students around the school, state, country, or even world can connect share ideas help with research topics, and just discuss ideas using the new growing social network. Those who don't take school seriously are going to fail either way, but this gives boundless opportunities for students reach out and find out what they want to do with their lives. This is a great way for kids to open their eyes to the world and leave their ignorance behind. What better way to learn about current conflicts and their affect than just going online and talking to people or other kids in those areas and seeing how they feel about it. Information and numbers are powerful, so the collective can overcome the tyrant. They only have the power we give them. So horay for technologay!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Armored Core For Answer Online Gameplay

watch these videos (i will continue to update this post as i find more videos)
japanese players


One of my favorite game series is Armored Core. It's a series that began on the playstation and has continued onto the 360, and PS3. I played armored core last raven on the PS@, and was hooked. It's a giant mech game, that's gives the player full customization, of all the parts and weapons and auxiliaries of your AC or armored core. I currently play AC For Answer on the 360, and I'm in love. I love the fast paced action I would have never dreamed to see in a mech game. And noobs begone! Any good player will be able to kill newb tactics. The community is pretty closeknit. Online matches can be extremely intense or slower more tactical game, depending on the level of skill or fighting style of the players. I prefer high speed gameplay that you've never seen in mech games. Watch this youtube video. These MAY be japanese players but you still see combat like this with american players too.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Middle East

We have been in a state of war with Iraq, and Afghanistan for almost ten years! What have we been doing and what are we doing now? Is it possible for us to just leave, was our time their worthwhile? Did we have a positive effect in those countries, or did we just further its collapse?

My opinion is that at first we were right to invade Iraq, Saddam Hussein is just to dangerous to leave alone. 9/11 was proof of his hostility with his unprovoked attacks against America. We needed to remove the Taliban, who were oppressing the people in the region and that were planning attacks on our own country. At least we needed to make them think before attacking us. The Taliban was the ruling government in Iraq, so we are at war with that country. Our priorities should be our own country's welfare then theirs.

After invading and destabilizing them, it would be ethical, but mostly prudent to make sure there is a government that is not in favor of continued hostilities with America. Although we can provide suggestions in what form of government they should take, we cannot impose a democracy on them either. They choose to tie religion in their government, and has been their tradition for many years. They need to resolve their issues on their own, at this late stage in the game though. The war has stagnated and we should now leave after giving what aid we can give. America should leave contacts there though to keep an early watch for anything that could be hazardous to us as Americans, and if they try get funny with us come down on them like a storm. We are not responsible for them, we did not conquer them so we shouldn't feel, as Americans, the need to mollycoddle them.